To date there have been no reports at Glengariff Residential Home of either confirmed cases of Coronavirus amongst staff or the Residents. We continue to relay on our staff and visitors informing us of any changes to their health situation.
We have adjusted our cleaning protocols and continue to remind our staff and everyone visiting of the need to maintain meticulous hygiene through posters and signs.
Unfortunately, in coming days, for the safety of our residents, we may be advised to restrict visitors and the family members to visit the Home. These measures are being considered as "Care Homes are deemed to be in Risk Category". Remember this all is being done for their own safety and well being and these measures would hopefully only last a few weeks.
Meanwhile, if you are feeling even slightly unwell, probably with fever, cough or flu, stay home and self isolate your self.
Please be assured that Glengariff Residential Home will communicate with you out of hours if necessary and are taking advice and constantly monitoring the situation.
Thank you for your support.